Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where's Wilford Brimley when you need him?

Just found out yesterday that my sweet, baby angel of a cat, Mac, has feline diabetes (or Diabeetis if you're Wilford Brimley).
I hear that feline Diabeetis very manageable, and that insulin is rather inexpensive, especially through Liberty Medical. Nonetheless, I'm understandably worried, and am just wondering if any of you have first hand knowledge of treating a cat with this disease?

And now, for fun, see Wilford do the Beetis dance...


ex-nuke bubblehead said...

That is a common problem in cats...It is very manageable too. Is it type-I or type-II diabetes? One might be controllable with diet and/or pills, the other requires shots and/or pills.

Katebits said...

Oh no! Poor Mac!

Reigning Frog said...

exnuke: I don't know which type it is yet. I talk to the vet tomorrow. I'm glad to hear pills are an option. That would be preferable to me.

Kate: I know!

Anonymous said...

That would be helpful to me.