To me, summer is like Robin Scorpio. Everyone thinks she's perfect, so if you're one of the few who dares to offer a criticism of her it's considered blasphemy. Yeah, Robin has many positive qualities, but if you're open-minded enough to realize it, you'll see that she can be damn annoying at times, just like summer.
So here begins my list of things I hate about summer:
10. Getting in a hot car! I can't stand it!
9. Losing precious beauty sleep! Who can sleep when it's 90 and humid? Not me. Even with A/C it's still too hot. I hate it.
8. Defrosted groceries! What a pain to grocery shop in the summer. Everything melts or rots in the 5 minutes car ride home. I hate it.
7. Carpenter ants! They're EVERYWHERE. Counters, bathrooms, cupboards, drawers-- the list is endless. I hate them.
6. Mosquito bites! There's nothing more annoying in life than continuously itchy skin (except maybe for Pauly Shore). I hate them.
5. Weeds! My whole backyard is a big weed that grows like Jack's beanstalk all summer long. I hate it.
4. Yellow Jackets! These carnivorous bastards always swarm around hamburgers and hot dogs. I hate them.
3. Flies! Inside, outside-- it doesn't matter, they're everywhere. Try to relax outside and you end up swatting flies as they chase you. I hate them.
2. Sweating! I don't like sweating, and it's unavoidable in the summer. I hate it.
1. Heat and Humidity! No wonder everyone's image of Hell is heat and flames. Some days in the summer, it's just to hot to live. I hate it.
bad hair constantly! even with the new cut, it's still miserable!
true that, carrie m
- Catching a softball with your face
- Sunburning your tongue
- Chafing
- Driving in oven mitts
- Making your own gravy while golfing
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