Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Adults say the darndest things sometimes, too!

Following up to my last post, I am equally amused when adults mispronounce words and are completely oblivious to it. Here are some of my favorite tongue twisters that people have said to me:
Ache-shpeare = Shakespeare
ivy-profin = ibuprofen
Global warNing = Global warming
caseedro = gazebo
spina beefia = spina bifida
Goggle = Google
Neo-sporum = Neosporin
Epileppy = Epilepsy
Tex'Em Hold'Em = Texas Hold'em (poker)


Dan said...

My favorite mispronunciations are:

realtor ... many say REE-la-ter when it's really REE-ul-ter

nuclear ... many (including our President) say NU-key-lur when it's really NU-klee-ur

t2ed said...

Eye-talian: instead of Italian

Ir-regardless: instead of regardless

Youse guys: every time a waitress says this, Wife and I immediately just look at each other and try not to giggle

Reigning Frog said...

dan & t2ed: those are some of my fav-err-ites too!