Thursday, March 29, 2007

Trump's Jump

It's official...Donald Trump has "jumped the couch." Putting his famous onion loaf-like hair on the line, The Donald will face WWE head honcho Vince McMahon in a Wrestlemania match, Billionaire Style. What is "Billionaire Style?" Getting someone else to do your dirty work, of course. These two super-egos will choose a wrestler to fight for them, and the loser billionaire will (supposedly) have his head shaved by the victor.

I've watched a lot of trainwreck TV in my life, but this is just too ridiculous to be entertaining. Please, make it stop!


Dan said...

Trump is out of control. I wonder if he'll choose Rosie as his wrestler?

Reigning Frog said...

blah blah dan: Touche`!

t2ed said...

Is it too much to hope that both are somehow miraculously slain in a million to one coincidence?

Maybe both are body slammed by Rosie?

Gina said...

Who has time for this......Really or should I say who would make the time for this???????? I rather go shopping, get my nails done or relax with a glass of wine.

ex-nuke bubblehead said...

"Money" has a way of corrupting people where they seem to circumvent their morals and good sense. Yet money, simply stated is only a "medium of exchange" and in itself is valueless. Sure, it has potential, but that potential can be used for good or bad, recklessly or sensibly. I guess I never got trapped into playing that "greed-game", it's just so destructive and senseless to me.

WAT said...

What would Rosie O'Donnell say? HMMMM???

Después del martini, ¿vamos a bailar?

Reigning Frog said...

WAT: ¡Sí, por supuesto bailaremos!