Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Back in time for February sweeps

Due to life happening all around me, I've been on a forced blog hiatus, but I'm back just in time for February sweeps. Lost returns tonight, General Hospital is Day 8 into a dramatic, "real time" storyline, and of course, the Super Bowl aired this past Sunday.

So I started thinking, 'Is there such a thing as sweeps week for blogs? If so, what would it be like? Shocking revelations? Declarations of love?' Unfortunately my life isn't exciting enough to warrant high ratings for a blog sweeps week, but I think it might be worthwhile to revisit some shocking pop culture moments in honor of sweeps week. Consider this the first post in a week-long series.

Illness & injury...not even celebrities are immune. Here's a list of some "Oh my God!" celebrity illnesses and injuries revealed.

Anyone else come to mind?

1 comment:

Carrie M said...

hahahaaaa! i love this idea. i have nothing shocking to reveal myself...damn.