Thursday, February 1, 2007


I have long feared that men would not heed my warnings that certain shampoos are just not intended for use by males, and now look what's happening...little boys using the wrong shampoos are developing boobs. I knew this day would come, and now it's here. I'll do what I can to help, but you should have listened sooner. My next post will list male-safe shampoos, but I may not be able to get to it until this weekend. In the meantime, guys, you may need to do some bra shopping.


t2ed said...

Are they marketing that shampoo under:

Head and Extra Shoulders
Garnier Fruity
Pert Plus & Perky
Vidal Sassy
Gee Your Breasts Look Terrific
Redken's Racktacular for Men

Okay, I'll shut up now.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe you were right about this? I'm scared to consider what other things you might be right about.

Is Pantene on the list?

Reigning Frog said...

t2ed: How about Garnier Fructeets, Herbal Essences Booby Envy, and Pantene Pro-B Cup. OK, I'm proving I spent way to much time hanging at fraternity houses in college.

Kate: You're very scared now, knowing that I'm a Republican, right? ;)

Also, there's no list of brands, just ingredients that make men grow breasts. I'll investigate my Pantene theory and report back.

t2ed said...

Pantene Pro-B Cup is the winner easily.

Should I be worried if that warning sign is posted in our employee break room by the way?

Dan said...

No! Really??

Well, I like boobs but I guess I wouldn't go so far as to grow my own. :)

Happy weekend Christina! Keep warm!

ex-nuke bubblehead said...

Geez, thanks for keeping us "abreast" on this trend! Is this "chest the beginning of what's to come later?" ..I mean, hormones in foods, chemicals in our cleaning products?

What's next?

Is this a vast right-wing or left-wing conspiracy to create a n unwilling all female population?