Thursday, January 18, 2007

Shampoo Review: DeGunk-ilicious

Who doesn't want to try a shampoo that promises to tingle?

I know I was smitten at first glance by Herbal Essences degunkifying shampoo once I saw the word "tingling." Then I read further and fell even more in love. The ingredients are...get this...icy pineapple and cotton leaf! I have no idea if icy pineapple and cotton leaf 1. exist 2. are good for hair or 3. are actually in the shampoo, but doesn't it sound cool?!

I have tested this product, and it does tingle. Not in a medicated dandruff shampoo way, but in a fun "I'm pampering myself with this awesome shampoo" way.

Here's a scenario where this product is just what you need... You have a hot date on Saturday night and want to look your best, so you pull out all the stops and use Paves Professional styling products to create a Good Hair Evening. The next day is Sunday. You had so much fun on your date you decide you deserve to stay in all day relaxing and having a movie fest--you never even get out of your pajamas. Monday morning, back to the grindstone. But you haven't washed your hair since Saturday night and it's now literally gunky, need a little pick-me-up because it's Monday Morning. You need to degunkify.

So I highly recommend this product. The only con is that there's no matching conditioner. Maybe Herbal Essences thinks that conditioner would re-gunkify your hair, but it's one of very few shampoos with no matching conditioner. One thing to look out for-- it tends to be on the shelves next to Herbal Essences "Drama Clean", which is also in a green bottle, so don't get confused. You want to tingle.

Men, since this product is not made by Pantene, it's OK for you to try too.


Courtney said...

I want that, but I don't think I can handle having a shampoo that doesn't have a matching conditioner. Does Drama Clean have a matching conditioner? Maybe if both products were in green bottles I could handle it.

Reigning Frog said...

I gotta admit, it's quite bothersome to me too that there's no matching conditioner. But yes, the Drama Clean would go well. But it doesn't tingle. I want a matching tingly conditioner.

Dan said...

I don't know how you women find the time to sense tingling. I'm the clothes-off, hop in shower, hop out of shower, clothes-on type of guy (sometimes, regrettably, forgetting the 'drying' stage between the 'hop out of shower' and 'clothes-on' stage).

t2ed said...

There actually is no shampoo made for men.

I just went to Target and wandered the aisles.

Seriously, nothing is marketed at men except Grecian Formula in that aisle.

Reigning Frog said...

t2ed: You're totally right.

I need to blog about man shampoo recommendations. Consider it a work in progress.

Reigning Frog said...

blah blah Dan: You don't know what you're missing...tingly showers rock!

t2ed said...

I think the last time I tingled after a shower was when I got my ass snapped by a towel in gym class.

ex-nuke bubblehead said...

...So what ever happened to "Prell"? You know, that tube of concentrate?

Also, I always wondered about that "Dippity-Do" stuff when they said "Just a little dab will do ya'"
...Do what to ya? Turn you into a non-conformist?

Unknown said...

I love this stuff! I wash my hair everyday with my Victoria Secret So Sexy or Elasta QP, but by the weekend, its time to degunkify. I actually can't feel the tingle any longer tho, go figure.