Saturday, January 20, 2007

Random facts about me

  • I was born on Easter Sunday
  • My favorite month is October
  • I hate Tuesdays
  • I won a 3-point shooting contest in 8th grade for my school's basketball team
  • I was an engineering major in college for about 10 minutes
  • I say I like books, but I much prefer movies and TV
  • I am a distant, poor relative of the Dole family who made a fortune on pineapples in Hawaii (my maternal grandmother's maiden name was Dole)
  • I have a glass of chocolate milk almost every night before bed
  • I still have both my tonsils and my appendix
  • I don't like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, or anything considered a condiment
  • I get homesick very easily (Seriously, when I'm in Niagara Falls, Ontario I look longingly across the river and can't wait to get back home. It's that bad.)
  • I refuse to try to understand all the fuss about Harry Potter
  • My digestive system does not like Indian food, and neither do my tastebuds
  • One of my favorite things to do in the entire world is to see a fireworks display
  • I have an insane memory. (For example, I actually still know my Ohio driver's license number, and I haven't lived in Ohio for over 5 years.)
  • I believe in ghosts, but I hope to never see any in my entire life
  • Lightening bugs fascinate me
  • And finally, I know this is blasphemy, but I just don't like Starbuck's coffee


Carrie M said...

don't like harry potter or starbucks?!!? *gasp* that's it. you're off the blogroll and bloglines. ;-)

Dan said...

No surprise, I hate Starbucks too. Its coffee overload. Back off on the flavor intensity. You could eat it with a fork and knife. And whats with the sizes? WTF ever happened to S,M & L? I refuse to use their lingo. I would like a Medium mean a venti? give me an effing medium!!!

Dan said...

And finally, I know this is blasphemy, but I just don't like Starbuck's coffee.

Blasphemer! You and I are both homesick folks -- it means we love our homes. :)

Reigning Frog said...

carrie m: I's social suicide to hate Starbucks, but I gotta be me

Dan (Mr. Blob): 200% in agreement (no surprise). Like the knife and fork analogy

Blah Blah Dan: I totally love my home! Good observation about homesickness.

ReadItDaddy said...

You are my new hero for the "Harry Potter" and "Starbucks" comments.


Reigning Frog said...

PeeJ: Thanks!