Thursday, December 21, 2006

Unless it meows or barks, I won't remember to feed it

Whatever gene it is that gives a person a "green thumb" I did not inherit. In fact, I'm pretty much the kiss of death for anything botanical. I have tried to sustain fresh basil in my kitchen at least 52 times. It always ends badly. Let me show you.


It could be as simple as that I always forget to water plants, but it really goes beyond that. I truly have a "black thumb" and eventually end up killing any plant that comes my way. Thank God that doesn't happen with me and animals. Although pets are not nearly as subtle as a plant when they are hungry.

1 comment:

ex-nuke bubblehead said...

You know, I've always wonder: What's the best way to dry Basil...and i think you figured it out for me!