Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saying goodbye to 2006--See Ya!

I am sooo looking forward to a new year. 2006 was without a doubt the most difficult and saddest year of my young life for reasons that just aren't worth discussing on this cheerful blog. Basic statistics would indicate that it's unlikely 2007 could be worse than 2006 unless a meteorite strikes Buffalo, France takes over the United States, and shampoo is outlawed; so I'm entering the New Year with my fingers crossed and a "glass-is-half-full" perspective.

But I can't entirely write off 2006 as a bad year. Five good things did happen, but seriously, that' s it. 5 joys to 25,489 sorrows-- not what I call a good year. Nonetheless, I'd like to give thanks for my joys...
Joy #1 I'm keeping to myself right now
Joy #2 was making some wonderful new friends
Joy #3 was getting Lulu
Joy #4 is my house that I moved into in May
Joy #5 was getting a new car
Let me show you how badly I needed a new car. Meet my 1991 Jeep Wrangler that I got at the age of 16 in 1993 and drove until mile 108,093 in May of 2006:
I really, truly loved my Jeep. What's not to love about a Jeep? It had the "cool factor", it was versatile for Cleveland and Buffalo weather, and it was a fine Republican-mobile (as any SUV can attest). But at some point, I think around 2000, it transitioned from "It's a Jeep thing..." to "Piece of shit car." Look at the rust! And see how wet it is? It was that way on the inside too, except add 50 degrees and 1 million % humidity to account for the Greenhouse Effect that only a canvas soft-top can deliver. Oh, and it was the "Fred Flintstone" edition that allowed you to either use the gas pedal, or just push your way long through the large hole in the driver's-side floor. As good a car as it had been to me, I was really beginning to hate it and I'm glad to have replaced it in 2006. I think it was time.
So, as I look back on this year through a new rear-view mirror, I offer thanks for my 5 joys, but mostly I say to 2006 as it heads out of my life: "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!"


ex-nuke bubblehead said...

...You've just been a "Jeep-Skate"!

Gina said...

My year was 2001 as now it was all about ME!!! If you ever watch Dirty Dancing.....It is the time of my life.