I thought it was a little strange, though, that ON adopted a motto similar to its parent company, The Gap, of saying when it was founded. (e.g. Gap, since 1969). But Old Navy was doing this in 1996, and they were founded in 1994. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't find it very effective to say "Trust us, we're 2 years old."
ON really takes pride in that 1994 thing. Was it such a great year? I remember it, and it was OK, but I certainly don't find myself saying very often, "Wow, I wish it was 1994 again!" Let's take a look at a few other things that happened in 1994 and see if Old Navy should be so proud:
- Tanya Harding's husband and friend broke Nancy Kerrigan's knee cap mobster-style.
- Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered (and their killer--whomever he may be--is still on the Juice... oops, I mean loose).
- The Buffalo Bills lost their fourth consecutive Super Bowl.
I don't know, Old Navy, it may be time to adopt a new motto.
T2ED Enterprises, Extremely Limited.
Since about a couple of hours ago.
For all your financial planning.
What a bunch of nonsense! There is NOTHING Old nor Navy about "Old Navy"
Heck, compared to them, I'M OLD NAVY!
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