Wednesday, March 7, 2007

When was the last time Ethan Hawke showered?

I'm just curious. I know it hasn't been in this millennium. I've been looking through Google images of him, and I really think Dead Poet's Society in 1989 could be the last time he showered. What made him stop? Is there such a thing as a fear of showers-- is he a showerphobe? Or maybe he's on an eternal camping trip? Could he be on a shower strike to promote world peace? I must know-- what is the reason he stopped showering!?!?

Anyone have any inside info they can share?


Dan said...

He's kind of got that Marky Mark look going on too in the porn industry movie (whatever that was called)

Reigning Frog said...

Boogie Nights.

Yeah, he does kind of have that look. Good call.

t2ed said...

Skeeviest looking/smelliest star (and what they smell like:

- Ethan Hawke (b.o.)
- Matthew McConaughey (b.o. and weed))
- Mickey Rourke (b.o. and failure)
- Johnny Depp (b.o. and sex)
- Joan Rivers (death)
- Peter O'Toole (formaldehyde and scotch)

carrie m said...

he looked okay in gattica. but aside from that, i'm fairly certain he stopped showering to look the part for reality bites.


ex-nuke bubblehead said...

I think he's doing the water embargo thing...thinks its imported from North Korea...

Reigning Frog said...

ex-nuke: like the theory!