Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ode to Reagan

I have two dogs, Reagan and Lulu. Everyone knows Lulu because she's cute and sweet, and well, portable. I take her many places with me because she only weighs 9 lbs. But I have another dog, Reagan, and he is my baby. I love him. But WOW is he a challenging dog to own. But not challenging in a way like he chews furniture or isn't house trained. He's challenging in the sense that, even though I have a college degree, I swear this dog is smarter than me. If I spill some Scrabble tiles on the floor, he might very well write the sequel to War and Peace.

Here are some examples. Reagan is fiercely loyal and protective of me. He hates when people come to the front door. If he sees me on the telephone with my credit card in my hand, he starts barking. Strange? Maybe not... He has learned that if I have my credit card in my hand while on the phone, it means I am ordering a food delivery. And he hates deliverymen. He will pace and bark until my food is delivered. It's unbelieveable!

Yes, Reagan is a very smart dog and I'm so glad I have him, challenges and all. Here he is pictured on his "stinky couch" as I call it because he made it that way. He has paint on his nose from barking at someone out a freshly painted window. That's so Reagan!

1 comment:

ex-nuke bubblehead said...

...Reagan huh? Looks more like you should call Eisenhower instead!

Hope, you'll give me the "Presidential pardon" ...ahem!