Monday, November 10, 2008

Simmering Inadequacy

There's nothin' like a little trip to Williams-Sonoma to make you realize how inadequate you, your kitchen, and probably your whole life are. I was there yesterday scoping out the outrageous new kitchen gadgets Santa might want to bring Martha Stewart. Let's see what I discovered...

A truffle shaver. I don't know how much this is, but I do know that truffles sell for about $130-380/pound. (Not bad for fungus.) Even at that price, does anyone really need a truffle shaver? Is there no other EXISTING tool that could do the job? [scratching head]

Moving on...

Aww, how cute. If you're gonna juice a lemon, I suppose having a little birdy helping could be kind of fun. But for some reason this thing reminds me of Lady Bird Johnson, and I just can't get past it.

Oh, here's something I actually really like and do want for myself:

A pink grapefruit cooking candle.

But not for $24.50!

After browsing all of the shelves, I left--empty handed--feeling like I've accomplished nothing in life. Maybe if I buy that truffle shaver, I will regain a little dignity.


t2ed said...

Because if your truffles get that 5 o'clock shadow look, they taste completely different.

Reigning Frog said...

Some truffles probably are trying for the George Clooney look, though.