Thursday, November 6, 2008

Easy Off?

I am terrified of cleaning my oven. Does that make me crazy or lazy?

Seriously, I am afraid. Of what, I'm not sure. Perhaps blowing it up (even though it's electric); perhaps burning the skin off my hands with mysterious oven cleaning acid.

I'm not sure where this fear came from, but it is very deep-seeded. In fact, can I make a confession? I've never cleaned my oven. I've moved before I ever needed to, or someone else did it for me. In fact, how often are you supposed to clean an oven?

These are the things I think about while I should be cleaning my oven.


t2ed said...

Get one of those big silver liners for the bottom. Then you can just pitch it.

We have a cleaning setting which I've only used once. I think it makes it go to 3000 degrees and burns down your house.

Reigning Frog said...

That's a good idea.

I'm totally terrified of the self-cleaning feature. I suspect it's actually a "crematorium" setting for housewives who crack after the remote is stolen to put on baseball just one too many times.