Saturday, November 1, 2008

"C" Is For Carrot, And That's OK With Me (In This One Case)

Hi, I'm here today to talk to you about carrots. Now, I know that this may seem strange after my recent post about the [still can't discuss it] soup, but it's OK. This time the veggies are in shampoo (and safe from eating).

Check out this beauty: Pampering Carrot Juice Shampoo by Yes to Carrots (available at Walgreens). [sparkle, audible "ding"]

Pamper your hair, it does. This is a completely perfect shampoo and highly recommended by me. I l.o.v.e. it.

In spite of its artificial Tang-like color, it is surprisingly healthy-feeling. And, not only does it have carrots in it, but also sweet potato and pumpkin. (Perfect for this time of year!)

Also, if you're like me and struggle to eat your veggies, I figure that you're bound to pick up a vitamin or two if your shampoo is made from carrots. So give it a try!

1 comment:

t2ed said...

I'm trying to cut down on how much snacking I do in the shower.