So last night I tried to take one online. I got to the first question. It was one of those classic algebra questions about a pipe filling a tub while another is draining it...when will the tub be full? Within a second I decided it was just way too much effort to take the test. So, does that make me stupid or lazy? I'm pretty sure my laziness quotient is very high. I still don't know about my intelligence, though.
Why are IQ tests all about math and other junk anyway? How practical is filling a bathtub that is, at the same time, draining? Why can't I take a quiz identifying celebrity mug shots, matching shampoos with their ad slogans, and identifying Brady Bunch episodes within the first 10 seconds? That is where my true gifts are. If I wasn't so lazy, maybe I'd come up with an IQ test of this nature. Sigh...
...So, what were your results anyway? The last time I took one of those IQ tests I was supposed to have an IQ of 155, but sometimes I feel too dumb to be that high....it must be wrong!
I think, once you hit 40, your IQ keeps dropping until you become a blithering idiot! ...Hey, at least I can still wipe my own chin!
ex-nuke: I never got past the first question, so I think the results were 0. Sounds about right...
So, I guess you need an IQ of 155 to come up with all those puns of yours!
If they're trying to have you fill a tub and not flip up that little metal thingy on the drain, they're probably not geniuses.
I used to be able to do that Brady Bunch trick too. Gilligan's Island as well even the ones in black and white. Please, try to hold your applause until all the contestants are announced.
It's a well known fact that IQ tests administered over the interweb are the best judge of mental acumen.
I don't put a lot of authority in them anyway.
I couldn't locate the test on-line which does not bode well for me.
t2: I can also do Golden Girls and The Nanny.
ex-nuke: I was curious, but laziness took over. I guess I'll never know my IQ, and that's just fine. At least I can still pretend that it's high.
misplaced: that's funny. you're probably a genius!
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