Thursday, March 1, 2007

Headline: "Heather Mills: Unlikely My Leg Will Fly Off..."

on Dancing with the Stars."

Shouldn't the headline read: "Heather Mills Turns Down Dancing with the Stars"?

I mean, can we really watch her do a quick step and NOT think "Oh, my God, her leg is going to fall off!" It's like watching Sammy Davis, Jr. singing, and ignoring his melodic voice as you wonder, "Which one is the glass eye?!"


Carrie M said...

that photo is beyond alarming.

Reigning Frog said...

I don't think I'll be able to stand it. It will be as bad at watching Britney & K-Fed's reality show.

Must watch, don't want to, waiting for disaster...

ex-nuke bubblehead said...

Not sure if I would say it's "alarming" but perhaps "disarming" ..wait, no....wrong body part!

...Perhaps it's just self-defeating?

Would that leave me with a leg to stand on?

Reigning Frog said...

ex-nuke: She's a day late and a leg short (God I'm bad at these little puns! How do you come up with them so fast!?)