Saturday, December 2, 2006

Rocky 6000

I'm not making this up. There is another Rocky movie coming out on Christmas Day. I love Rock, but if Rocky V was overdoing it, how is VI going to help? Stallone is being sly (Ba-zing to that pun!) with disguising the fact that it's a sequal to the third power. It's entitled Rocky Balboa. See? Sounds like it could be a pre-quel, or even a whole new, mildly-related thing. The movie poster even looks a little retro. But no, it's numero seis. I think Sly just knows that the average person can't count to 6 in Roman numerals so he gave it a simpler name.
I will say that, even if it means there will be a Rocky VII where Sly hangs up his walker to step back in the ring, I so hope that Rock doesn't go all Apollo on us. No one wants to see their hero die in the ring, especially one who solidified the Iron Curtain for a few extra years. (If you haven't seen Rocky IV then don't even try to understand this paragraph. Furthermore, if you haven't seen Rocky IV, do yourself a favor and check it out. There are very credible arguments that it is the best Rocky of all.)

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