Who is my love, and how have I been betraying him? Well, his name is Television, and I have been completely neglecting him. Since Christmas, my lying eyes have been focusing on other things-- a new boyfriend, hanging out with friends, visiting family, reading!, blogging and web surfing, spending time with my pets...the list is endless. How could I be so thoughtless?
I've missed no opportunity to hurt him. On Valentine's Day, when I had a snow day and we could have spent the whole day together, what did I do? I went to the grocery store and spent all day preparing a nice meal for my Valentine. How could I hurt my love that way? My behavior has only worsened as he's worked harder and harder to win back my affections. During May Sweeps, the most important time of year for him, I didn't see him at all, and I didn't even send my Ti-Vo for moral support. At this point, the only thing we have left between us is The Sopranos, and with only two episodes left, I'm afraid our future is uncertain. I never thought I would see this day. The guilt is killing me, and I just don't know where to go from here. I'm sorry, my love, I never meant to hurt you.