Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Real Jaws

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
OK, this may be the greatest website in this history of online commerce. I'll take 1 of everything please!I feel like I could find a use for these legwarmers. Wishlist!

Very seriously, I may not be able to live the rest of my life unless I someday own one of these masks.
I cannot stop looking at this website...
"Friends Don't Let Friends Go to Hell"

First, I offer a disclaimer that I myself am a practicing Christian of strong faith. I'm not knocking him for being religious. I just can't help but feel that Kirk and I are on opposite teams. I'll leave it at that.
From Kirk Cameron's website:
"...I asked a friend what he thought would happen to him when he died. He believed he was going to heaven. He smoked, he cursed, and he partied, but said that between him and his identical twin brother, he was the "good twin." I liked his sense of humor. ...I knew that if I simply offered this guy a "new life" policy, he likely would have turned it down -- because he was already living the good life. Instead, I did what Jesus did and stirred his curiosity about how God would deal with his sin on Judgment Day. I told him that 'friends don't let friends go to hell.' I then walked him through the Ten Commandments to help him see how he had sinned against God and desperately needed His forgiveness. When I sensed that he was feeling conviction, I shared the good news that Jesus came to save him from sin and its consequences. He could then see the incredible love God had shown him in sending Jesus to die for him on the cross. ...So if we want to bring this kind of "new life" to those we love, we must do it biblically or risk losing them forever. If we genuinely care about others, we must strive to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and preach the one and only, true gospel. ...Make sure you bring the knowledge of sin by opening up the Commandments like Jesus did (in Mark 10, Luke 18, etc.) and remind sinners of the Day of Judgment when every person will have to give an account of his life to God. Let godly fear "work repentance" and the good news of the gospel bring them to saving faith in Jesus Christ. If you've never led someone you love to the Savior, please let us help you. ...Do it today, because friends don't let friends go to hell. "
To conclude, I don't think he's friends with "Boner" anymore.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Biltmore than Aaron Spelling

- The house itself consists of four acres (175,000 square feet!)
- 250 rooms
- 65 fireplaces
- over 60 staff rooms
- 43 bathrooms
- 35 bedrooms
- 3 kitchens
- an indoor pool
- a bowling alley
AND, portions of one of my favorite movies, The Last of the Mohicans, were filmed there.
Beats your mom's gift wrapping room, Tori Spelling!
Three Weddings and a wedding funeral

Kind of makes me sad. For reasons beyond my own comprehension I actually really like both Pam Anderson and Kid Rock. I liked them together too.
How messed up do you think her kids are going to be? Between their Tommy Lee DNA, their 90210 names (Brandon and Dylan), and a mom would spends more time naked than clothed, what chance do they have? I can picture the title of their first porn movie now: Mötley Scrüe.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Movie Music: Talking Timbuktu
Richard Gere’s performance in the movie was also very good. He was a believable character, and I think ultimately a moral one.
Lane's love interest, played by Oliver Martinez, was well cast. I've not seen him in anything else, but I would if I had the chance.
I bought the Unfaithful soundtrack assuming this song would be on there, but it wasn’t. With a little help from this miracle we call the Internet, I found the song I wanted. It is called "Ai Du", and it is on the album Talking Timbuktu by Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Somebody put Baby in a corner

I have seen Dirty Dancing probably, oh, 856 times in addition to the E! True Hollywood Story and ultimate edition DVD features and I have never seen this image from the movie.
Johnny & Baby did have good on-screen chemistry, I will say that. Remember how Keds were all the rage after this movie? Good times, the 80s. Good times.
Dollar Tree stores are worth all hundred cents

Oh, and here’s a little secret you may not know. Dollar Tree is hands down the best place to buy gift wrapping supplies. They have an awesome selection of tissue paper, decorative bags, ribbons— the works! Then there are the wine glasses. Hand painted all the way from China and a steal at just one dollar!
Oh, the places you’ll go and the things you’ll see at Dollar Tree. Check it out this shopping season.
A handy use for shampoo (other than for washing your hair)

Men, you could even do this with your dress socks if you're in a bind. (Just don't use Pantene.)
Bringin’ Home the Bacon

Phil Jackson coached Michael Jordan who appeared in a Hanes commercial with Kevin Bacon. Bacon number = 2
Previously would have been: Phil Jackson coached Dennis Rodman who dated Madonna who was married to Sean Penn who appeared in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon. Bacon number = 4. That Hanes commercial cuts those degrees of separation in half!
And here’s a whole world we just couldn’t get into before:
Hakim Olajuwon played in the NBA the same time as Michael Jordan who appeared in a Hanes commercial with Kevin Bacon. Bacon number = 2
Bugs Bunny starred in Space Jam with Michael Jordan who appeared in a Hanes commercial with Kevin Bacon. Bacon number = 2
Joe Ganote of the Tennessee Smokies played minor league baseball against Michael Jordan who appeared in a Hanes commercial with Kevin Bacon. Who is Joe Ganote? I don’t know, but he has a Bacon number of 2 now.
A story about the time my dog locked me out of the car

I had to call a locksmith and wait awhile, and the whole time Reagan sat in the driver’s seat staring at me. At one point I got so desperate I tried to get him to jump on the lock again to open the doors. But even if he knew how to do it he wouldn’t have. Because that’s the way Reagan rolls.
Here is the face he makes when he plays "fetch," which is really more like "hoard." He's daring me to try to get the ball. I never do.
“Hooray for Corn Soufflé”

1 stick butter, melted and cooled to room temperature
1 egg
1 can cream-style corn
1 can whole corn, drained
1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
2/3 cup milk
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon sugar
In a microwave safe mixing bowl, melt butter in microwave and allow to cool to room temperature (or I guess, melt it on low power without letting it get too hot—that’s what I did when short on time). Beat egg into melted, room temp butter. Add all other ingredients except sugar, stir well. Pour into a greased 9x13 pan and sprinkle sugar on top (optional). Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, or until done. You can tell if it’s done by inserting a toothpick into the center; if it comes out clean, it’s done. Let sit for 5 minutes and serve. Feeds 4-6. This recipe can be easily doubled to feed 10-12, just use a deeper baking dish and bake longer.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Martha Stewart "Living" is for the Dead

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Fight Night: Miranda vs. Lulu

"The rules are, no scratching, biting, or tail pulling. Each round will last 30 seconds and the winner of each round will get a treat. And now, LET'S... GET...READY...TO RRRRUUUMBLLLLLE!"
My orange cat, Timmy would, be in the crowd with a sign reading "Cats Rule, Dogs Drool!" Reagan, my big dog, would use it as an opportunity to steal Lulu's bone collection. It would be a hoot. I just hope neither pulled a Tyson and the other lost an ear.

The Storm that will live in Infamy

My life wasn't affected that much. I just had no power, or heat, or security system, or Internet, or cable, or food, or sleep, or sanity for 111 1/2 hours. Other than that I was fine.
Rainbow Bright's Tights

Garbage Pail Nightmare

Shampoo Review: Pantene Ice! Nice!

Transform dull, lifeless hair into gorgeous hair. The clear formulation of NEW Ice Shine Shampoo gently cleans to remove dirt, oil, sebum (not sure what that is, but I guess I don't want it in my hair) and styling products, increasing the purity of the hair's surface, to better allow light to penetrate the clear cuticle to the inner cortex of each strand. (Cortex, that's a very serious word).
NEW Ice Shine Conditioner contains high levels of silicones to smooth the hair’s surface—almost polishing it. (This has been my experience. It's like polishing silver-- well, except, my hair's not silver, it's brown-- but you get the idea.) Helps create the appearance of uniform strands, so hair fibers more effectively lie next to each other and create a smooth, glossy surface.
I give this product two combs up, and a scrunchie! (But remember, men, Pantene Ice may be shiny enough for a man, but it's made for women. Sorry.)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Check Out My Autographed Picture of Elizabeth Taylor!

You may notice the large diamond on her left hand. Liz has some infamous jewels. This particular ring is the famous "Krupp Diamond." The stone weighs 33.19 carats! However, this is not the largest diamond Liz has owned, if you can believe it. There was also the 69.42 carat Taylor-Burton diamond. She no longer owns this stone, having sold it to help pay for her sixth husband's (but seventh marriage--it's kind of (but not exactly) like counting presidencies and how Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms), Sen. John Warner (R-VA), political campaign in the 1970's.
Some sources mistakenly report that she sold the Taylor-Burton diamond to build a hospital in Africa. That is false. She sold a rare perfect pink diamond (I think it was around 10 carats) to build a hospital in Africa just after she married Richard Burton for the second time. The hospital ended up being eaten by the jungle, and Liz to this day regrets selling the pink diamond. She also regrets selling the Taylor-Burton diamond, but she doesn't elaborate on her reasons why. Probably the whole failed marriage to Warner thing, but I'm just spit-balling.
Ahhh, Lavendar Roses

Just an image of one of my favorite flowers so that Teri Hatcher's airbrushed face isn't the first thing on this page.
I need to clarify again...I am truly not knocking Teri. I just find something so wrong with that Clairol ad, and quite frankly that picture just bugs me. So I'd rather look at these roses.
See, it just doesn't work!
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Best Movies to Watch on a Sick Day
Uncle Buck
A Few Good Men
Young Sherlock Holmes
National Treasure
The Great Muppet Caper
Roll Bounce
Fried Green Tomatoes
Baby Boom
Wuthering Heights (the Laurence Olivier version ONLY)
Vice Versa
Pretty Woman
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
Back to the Future (thank you reader Agus)
Crocodile Dundee (I intended to put that in all along)
*These movies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
I'm Just Not Crazy About Shrimp, That's All
- Lobster (of course)
- Crab (obviously)
- Crawfish. Yes, crawfish.
In fact, I'd like to see crawfish substitute for the ever popular shrimp. Shrimp's reign has lasted long enough.
Sorry, Red Lobster. I won't be coming to any of your all-you-can-eat Shrimp Feasts anytime soon.
2 "Lettuce" Bond Girls

But back to Teri Hatcher and the other one-- they weren't real, and they weren't spectacular.
Pantene Pro-V shampoo is NOT for men!

I think the best solution is for Pantene to come out with a men's line. Then all would be right with the world.
True or False: Fran Drescher had a small role in the movie "Grease"

My Cell Phone is a Snore

I don’t know if it’s my provider, my contract, my phone, or just me. All I know is that my phone is boring, and I want something more exciting for all the money I pay to be accessible 24/7. Once my contract is up at the end of this month victory shall be mine, and when I get a call I will feel like I’m swimming in the ocean along the coast of Amity Island.
By the way (for those of you that don't know me), that is not a photo of me. It's merely a stock clipart image that accurately portrays my feelings.
I H8 Lettuce!

Since then it’s been a running joke to use the word “lettuce” as a substitute for something that sucks. Lots of things are “lettuce.” Bank fees...Monday mornings...telemarketer phone dealer commercials (HUGEly lettuce)...parking tickets...traffic...torn grocery bags...a broken fingernail...dirty dishes...alarm clocks...power outages...taxes…nosey neighbors…dropped cell phone stains…flat tires…drycleaning prices…airport security…tolls…close talkers…public bathrooms…Flavor Flav’s reality show— all lettuce!